Current projects:
- Website: doesn’t have to be flashy, but I at least need to get it to a place where I don’t mind sharing it around, and as of this writing, it’s not there yet. I’m only just getting started learning WordPress. Self-hosting has its advantages, but a distinct disadvantage of having your sysadmin working 60-80 hour weeks at his real job is lack of tech support being a priority, even when you’re married to him.
- Recording: I find myself trying to figure out just how far to go with my home setup. There’s a lot that can be done on a budget, but a bigger investment gets a better sound. I’m still trying to find the sweet spot of return on investment. I strive to Ken Theriot’s quality of recording, and he specializes in home recording, but he’s been encouraging me in a different direction acoustically than I was expecting to go, so I’m wrapping my head around the differences.
- Pennsic prep: Need to make more garb that’ll fit. Need to repair a tent and a tent floor. Want to make banners for my tent to make it look prettier. Probably should take my sewing machine in for a tune up before starting any of that. Also, a handful of songs I want to have solidly added to my repertoire for this Pennsic. “Where do we get ‘em” (Truly Carmichael), “Wind on the Sea” (Gwendolyn the Graceful), “Gray Pewter Mug” (Wistric Oftun), and I want to get Ja Nus Hons Pris back in active rotation. Also, “Tell my Story” (myself and Kasia/SarahScott), a piece that’s never gotten the exposure it deserves.
I might be doing some pieces for Efenwealt’s concert intermission this year again. It’d be nice to be back up on the Pennsic stage since I haven’t done it in a few years.